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Enabling Non-Expert Users to Model and Execute Self-Adaptable Missions of Autonomous Drones


Dr. Ivano Malavolta (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy)



Start time:

2015-11-11 14:00

End time:

2015-11-11 15:00


IDT Västerås - U2-097

Contact person:


Flying drones are increasingly popular since they promise to simplify a myriad of everyday tasks. Currently, vendors provide low-level APIs and basic primitives to program drones, making mission development a task-specific and error-prone activity. As a consequence, current approaches are affordable only for users that have a strong technical expertise. Then, software engineering techniques are needed to support the definition, development, and execution of missions at the right level of abstraction and involving teams of autonomous drones that guarantee the safety today’s users expect. In this seminar we present a platform that enables end-users with no technical expertise, e.g., firefighters and rescue workers, to specify missions for a team of drones. The detailed flight plan of each drone is automatically generated for preventing collisions between drones and obstacles, and ensuring the preservation of no-fly zones. Detailed flight plans are used at run-time for (i) executing the mission and (ii) guiding the safety-specific self-adaptation of the behaviour of  the drones.