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Workshop on Post-digital Design, Art, and Technology


Sol Andersson, Katarina Kaplarski, Martin Jonsson, Lisa E. Rombout



Start time:

2018-09-21 12:00

End time:

2018-09-21 16:00



Contact person:


New media was a couple of decades ago a viable concept. With the advent of the MP3 audio format, the internet and peer-2-peer sharing, the music industry underwent a dramatic and painful transition into a digital world. Fleischer wrote the Post Digital Manifesto 2009 describing the aftermath of this transition. Looking back to what have happened in the music industry I dread the development in the rest of the society. The digitalisation in music enabled diversity but at the same time created an unprecedented uniformity. The art was (and is) the precursor of the transition, design and the arts are the fields that create the future. We are in the middle of computerisation, digitalisation and automation in the rest of the society. Industry and policy maker pour resources into computer science research and education without ethical, social, and aesthetical reflection. We will work on the role of design, art and technology in research and education in the current and forthcoming post-digital society? Is there a Kant’s Categorical Imperative to pursue?