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Eliciting Critical Information in a Pre-Study Phase of Developing a Drive System Platform for Automotive Applications



Joakim Fröberg , Stefan Cedergren, Stig Larsson

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management for Sustainable Global Development


It is not straightforward to execute a pre-study and elicit all relevant requirements when faced with developing a mechatronic platform, such as a hybrid electric drive system, aimed for reuse in many advanced vehicles. We present analysis of probing critical information areas and how to identify shortcomings by studying an industrial case and compiling textbook recommendations. We present a method, synthesized from literature, for probing critical subjects for a mechatronic platform development initiative and outline related methods to address shortcomings. Recognizing the critical information in an early phase is one key to leverage complexity in an advanced product line effort.


author = {Joakim Fr{\"o}berg and Stefan Cedergren and Stig Larsson},
title = {Eliciting Critical Information in a Pre-Study Phase of Developing a Drive System Platform for Automotive Applications },
month = {September},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management for Sustainable Global Development},
url = {}