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Enacted Creative Spaces.


ISPA is dedicated to philosophically investigating architecture, the built environment and related subjects. Founded in 2009 in response to the severe lack of real philosophical engagement with the subject of architecture, the society has successfully supported and sought out philosophical engagement of architecture and the built environment.

Research group:

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


ISPA conference. ethics & aesthetics of architecture & the environment, Newcastle,


Aesthetic aspects, along with a vitalisation of traditional discussions on aesthetic matters, can be a key to a better understanding of the design of working places in manufacturing industry of today. In this paper we address a rethinking of aesthetic matters and therefore also the aes-thetic in design practice, while examining examples of superabundant visual communication in industrial environments. The environments are studied from an information design perspec-tive. Theories discussed in the field of aesthetics are, for example, Jauss’ view on the con-cept ’poiesis’. Jauss’ line of thought are put to use, in this paper, as an alternative perspective focusing on the production of artefacts, compared to the more commonly perspective that highlights the concept ’aesthetic’ (Gr. ’aisthesis’) in a focusing on the perception of artefacts. In this paper the industrial environments are analysed as different fundamental forms of in-formation and Marcia J Bates’ notion of the nature of information is put to use in a visual- and spatial context. We argue that instead of underlining the relationship of aesthetic and architec-ture, it is more fruitful for the information design practice in manufacturing industrial envi-ronments, to highlight poiesis as a significant aspect of design. The analysis circle around three examples from industrial environments.


author = {Anna-Lena Carlsson and Jennie Andersson Schaeffer},
title = {Enacted Creative Spaces. },
note = {ISPA is dedicated to philosophically investigating architecture, the built environment and related subjects. Founded in 2009 in response to the severe lack of real philosophical engagement with the subject of architecture, the society has successfully supported and sought out philosophical engagement of architecture and the built environment.},
month = {July},
year = {2012},
booktitle = {ISPA conference. ethics {\&} aesthetics of architecture {\&} the environment, Newcastle, },
url = {}