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Effects of varying phasings of message queuings in CAN based systems


Publication Type:

Report - MRTC




This article presents and illustrates the effects on message response times by considering variations in phas-ings of message queuings in distributed system using the CAN bus. Traditional worst-case analysis is based on very pessimistic assumptions. This may be correct from a hard real-time perspective, but from a system perspective where reliability is also an issue, this may lead to an unnecessary costly and over-designed system. The worst-case analysis assumes worst-case phasings of message queuings, and that messages are constantly queued with highest possible frequency. In this paper we will investigate the level of introduced pessimism by looking into the effects of relaxing these assumptions. We will investigate the pessimism by simulating these systems, both without taking into account the effects of phasing, and with. We show the actual effect with a simple case-study. The motivation for this paper is to underline the pessimism introduced by not considering phasings. Simulation results show the pessimism by not considering phasings.


author = {Thomas Nolte and Hans Hansson and Christer Norstr{\"o}m},
title = {Effects of varying phasings of message queuings in CAN based systems},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-44/2001-1-SE},
month = {December},
year = {2001},
url = {}