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Sommerfeld’s Integrals and Hallen’s Integral Equation in Data Analysis for Horizontal Dipole Antenna above Real Ground



Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


High frequency (HF) analysis of the horizontal dipole antenna above real ground, which is employed in this paper, is based on the electric-field integral equation method and formulation of the Hallen's integral equation solved for the current using the point-matching method. The Sommerfeld's integrals, which express the influence of the real ground parameters, are solved approximately. Influence of different parameters of the geometry and ground on current distribution and input admittance is investigated. Furthermore, the method validation is done by comparison to the full-wave theory based exact model, and available measured data.


author = {Farid Monsefi},
title = {Sommerfeld’s Integrals and Hallen’s Integral Equation in Data Analysis for Horizontal Dipole Antenna above Real Ground},
month = {June},
year = {2014},
url = {}