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Contradiction of Separation through Virtualization and Intercommunication


Tobias Holstein, Joachim Wietzke

Research group:

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Mensch und Computer 2015


Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG


A trend in automotive infotainment software is to create a separation of components based on different domains (e.g. Navigation, Radio, etc.). This intends to limit susceptibility to errors, simplify maintainability and to organize development based on domains. Multi-OS environments create another layer of separation through hardware/software virtualization. Using a hypervisor for virtualization allows the development of mixed critical systems. However, we see a contradiction in current architectures, which on one side aim to separate everything into virtual machines (VMs), while on the other side allow inter-VM-connectivity. In the end all applications are composited into one homogeneous UI and the previous intend of separation is unsatisfied.In this paper we investigate current architectures for IVIS, i.e. mixed critical systems for automotive purposes, and show that regulations/requirements break previous intents of the architecture.


author = {Tobias Holstein and Joachim Wietzke},
title = {Contradiction of Separation through Virtualization and Intercommunication},
pages = {483},
month = {September},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {Mensch und Computer 2015},
publisher = {Walter de Gruyter GmbH {\&} Co KG},
url = {}