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Core plant capabilities for competitive production development - a literature review

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


23rd EurOMA conference


Although plant role issues have been discussed in a number of studies, there is limited insights in literature on the capabilities that are required for the core plant to be excellent. Drawing on a capability based perspective, the purpose of this paper is to deepen the understanding of core plant capabilities for competitive production development by analysing the multidisciplinary literature on the core plant concept. We synthesis our findings into a conceptual model that distinguishing capabilities required to be (come) and act as an excellent core plant and thus widen the core plant concept and offer several contributions.


author = {Jessica Bruch and Anna Granlund and Peter E Johansson and Carin R{\"o}si{\"o}},
title = {Core plant capabilities for competitive production development - a literature review},
month = {June},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {23rd EurOMA conference },
url = {}