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Case Study: VCE Electronic Architecture for Real-Time Automotive Applications



Joakim Fröberg

Publication Type:

Report - MRTC


The development of electronic systems within VCE faces challenges of shorter development time and keeping the electronics part of the product cost low. At the same time, electronic content and complexity is rapidly increasing. VCE has a wide range of products and also a wide range of technical solutions, processes, tools, and so on. Improved architecture design and a product line approach are envisioned to improve system properties and decrease cost by coordinating development. This report describes the current architecture requirements, challenges, component model, technology, and development process adopted in the Sweden branch of VCE electronic development. This is a first step towards identifying challenges and solutions in a company wide survey whose aim is to produce solutions for the cost, coordination, and improved system properties effort.


author = {Joakim Fr{\"o}berg},
title = {Case Study: VCE Electronic Architecture for Real-Time Automotive Applications},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-118/2004-1-SE},
month = {April},
year = {2002},
url = {}