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Free Rotating Wingsail Arrangement for Åland Sailing Robots


Teo Enqvist , Anna Friebe, Florian Haug

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


This paper accounts for our ongoing work to evaluate, design and build an optimized wingsail arrangement for one of Åland Sailing Robots’ boats. By examining the current conventional sails of the boat and its propulsion capability, a wingsail arrangement with a similar propulsion capability has been designed and further investigated. The final design has to meet several criteria such as simplicity, reliability, and high degree of autonomous operation. A thorough analysis of the design criteria resulted in the decision to choose a symmetrical, free-rotating wingsail with an additional tail for actuating the wing and controlling its angle of attack. The chosen design is further investigated by using a CFD simulation software. Furthermore, we discuss possible solutions and recommendations regarding the future physical construction of the wingsail.


author = {Teo Enqvist and Anna Friebe and Florian Haug},
title = {Free Rotating Wingsail Arrangement for {\AA}land Sailing Robots},
month = {August},
year = {2016},
url = {}