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pmcEDF: An Energy Efficient Procrastination Scheduler for Multi-Core Mixed Criticality Systems


Louella Colaco , Amol Pai , Biju Raveendran , Sasikumar Punnekkat

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications


The ever increasing computational demands with size, weight, energy, power and time guidelines necessitates innovative energy efficient techniques in multi-core mixed criticality applications. Energy efficient design considerations include energy optimisation techniques such as dynamic-voltage-and-frequency-scaling (DVFS) and dynamic-power-management(DPM). DPM techniques of procrastination and power shutdown reduce static and dynamic energy consumption efficiently. This work presents pmcEDF, a procrastination technique that extends the Earliest Deadline First with Virtual Deadlines (EDF-VD)scheduler to support both non-shutdown and shutdown cores, in which non-shutdown cores are mandated to be always on and shutdown cores can be switched off temporarily. pmcEDF aims to reduce static and dynamic energy consumption by ensuring high criticality job deadlines without hampering quality of service by accommodating feasible LC jobs. Experimental evaluation with synthetically generated mixed criticality task sets show that the proposed algorithm provides a total energy saving of 3.61%,4.76% and 39.16% over existing EDF/EDF-VD based techniques


author = {Louella Colaco and Amol Pai and Biju Raveendran and Sasikumar Punnekkat},
title = {pmcEDF: An Energy Efficient Procrastination Scheduler for Multi-Core Mixed Criticality Systems},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications},
url = {}