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Detection of Energy Bugs in Android Applications: A Systematic Literature Review


Asia Shahab , Ayesha Naseer , Muhammad Nouman Zafar, Aamer Nadeem

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


18th International Conference on Frontier of Information Technology 2021


In recent years, smartphones have improved significantly because of their rich set of features, services and their memory capacity and processing speed. Consequently, complex applications (e.g., apps used for home automation, high performance games etc.) are being developed for users to provide on hand access to different functions of such apps. However, these apps are often energy-inefficient and can quickly drain the battery power of smartphones due to improper usage of resources. Such kind of energy inefficiencies in smartphone apps can be categorized into energy bugs and energy hotspots. When an app consumes more power due to some fault or failure even after closing or termination and prevents the smartphone from becoming idle, an energy bug occurs. Whereas, energy hotpot is caused due to abnormal usage of energy by an app during its execution. Execution of an app with an energy bug or energy hotpot can drastically shorten the lifetime of battery. Moreover, it also causes serious energy drain issues in smartphones due to which user experience is severely impacted. So, to cater the problem of energy inefficiencies, we have to identify the energy hotspots and bugs caused by such apps. In this paper, we report the findings of our systematic literature review to categorize and to structure the research findings that have been published in the area of energy consumption due to energy bugs in Android apps. Twenty-seven experimental studies are plotted. Besides, we have identified several challenges that need to be addressed in future. After going through the different studies, we found that existing approaches related to energy bugs either generate false positives or false negatives in addition to finding real energy bugs. We conclude that there is a need to utilize resources in a better way by making smartphone apps more energy-efficient and by implementing approaches that can automatically detect all possible energy bugs in Android apps


author = {Asia Shahab and Ayesha Naseer and Muhammad Nouman Zafar and Aamer Nadeem},
title = {Detection of Energy Bugs in Android Applications: A Systematic Literature Review},
booktitle = {18th International Conference on Frontier of Information Technology 2021},
url = {}