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Trackez: An IoT-based 3D-Object Tracking from 2D Pixel Matrix using Mez and FSL Algorithm


Nuruzzaman Faruqui , Md Alamgir Kabir , Mohammad Abu Yousuf

Publication Type:

Journal article


Journal of IEEE Access


The imaging devices sense light reflected from objects and reconstruct images using the 2D-sensor matrix. It is a 2D Cartesian coordinate system where the depth dimension is absent. The absence of a depth axis on 2D images imposes challenges in locating and tracking objects in a 3D environment. Real-time object tracking faces another challenge imposed by network latency. This paper presents the development and analysis of a real-time, real-world object tracker called Trackez, which is capable of tracking within the top hemisphere. It uses Machine Vision at the IoT Edge (Mez) technology to mitigate latency sensitivity. A novel algorithm, Follow-Satisfy-Loop (FSL), has been developed and implemented in this paper that optimally tracks the target. It does not require the depth-axis. The simple and innovative design and incorporation of Mez technology have made the proposed object tracker a latency-insensitive, Z-axis-independent, and effective system. The Trackez reduces the average latency by 85.08% and improves the average accuracy by 81.71%. The object tracker accurately tracks objects moving in regular and irregular patterns at up to 5.4ft/s speed. This accurate, latency tolerant, and Z-axis independent tracking system contributes to developing a better robotics system that requires object tracking.


author = {Nuruzzaman Faruqui and Md Alamgir Kabir and Mohammad Abu Yousuf},
title = {Trackez: An IoT-based 3D-Object Tracking from 2D Pixel Matrix using Mez and FSL Algorithm},
volume = {2},
number = {1},
month = {June},
year = {2023},
journal = {Journal of IEEE Access},
url = {}