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Tutorial: Emerging Technologies in Industrial Context - Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Engineering

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


31st IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)


In recent years new paradigms of software development have emerged in many industrial and application domains: component-based and service-based software engineering.Component-based software engineering (CBSE) provides support for building systems through the composition and assembly of software components. CBSE is an established approach in many engineering domains, such as distributed and web based systems, desktop and graphical applications and recently in embedded systems domains. CBSE technologies facilitate effective management of complexity, significantly increase reusability and shorten time-to-market. On the other hand, the growing demands for Internet computing and emerging network-based business applications and systems are the driving forces for the evolvement of service-oriented software engineering (SOSE) . SOSE utilizes services as fundamental elements for developing applications and software solutions. SOSE technologies offer great feasibility in integrating distributed systems that are built on various platforms and technologies and further push focus on reusability and development efficiency.CBSE and SOSE are similar paradigms; they use similar approaches and technologies. Both CBSE and SOSE have a common source: Software Architecture with its basic concept that have been further developed and specialized. SOSE has evolved from CBSE frameworks and object oriented computing to face the challenges of open environments. Still CBSE and SOSE have continued developing in parallel, keeping different foci, which also has resulted in confusion in developing and applying similar concepts, or the same concepts designated differently. For example there is a general misunderstanding in what a component and a service are. This leads to less efficient utilization and combination of these approaches. For this reason, it is important to bring these worlds together and make researchers and practitioners aware of both sides; how can we take advantages of the strengths of these two paradigms, how can we adapt and integrate the component-based and service oriented technologies, concepts and their strengths to overcome the weaknesses in each separate technology.The aim of this tutorial is to show an integrated approach in utilization of CBSE and SOSE. The tutorial will start with providing an overview of software architecture with emphasis on architecture modeling and analysis, including CBSE and SOSE techniques from software architecture perspective. Subsequently, the tutorial will present analyses of the two techniques from multiple perspectives, such as their correlation from software architecture perspective, quality attribute analysis in respective technique, advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques, the possible directions in the adaptation of the two techniques and an indication on how to combine the strengths of both techniques. During the tutorial, some industrial context examples will be presented to illustrate CBSE and SOSE approaches and their integration.


author = {Ivica Crnkovic and Hongyu Pei-Breivold},
title = {Tutorial: Emerging Technologies in Industrial Context - Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Engineering},
month = {July},
year = {2007},
booktitle = {31st IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)},
url = {}