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The enormous significance of new and expanding Bas


Publication Type:

Journal article


On The Horizon, Special Issue: Complexity and the Future of Education






Purpose This article aims at disclosing a perspective on knowledge that carries with it a most urgent challenge for educational actors to engage in personal knowledge processes wherever they take place. Design/methodology/approach The purpose is met through the use of philosophical argumentation and theoretical ideas developed for understanding knowledge creation. Central concepts are Ba and knowledge activists but also personal insights in relation to technical knowledge. Findings The author argues that educational actors who do not want to be marginalized must step forward as knowledge activists, gaining access to and influencing all sorts of interpretative places (Bas), whether they are physical, virtual or mental, where information is interpreted to become knowledge. Practical implications Educational actors who want to continue playing an important societal role had better leave the idea of knowledge as something to be handled mainly in physical places. Instead they have to search for a position in the world of virtual spaces forming today. Social implications With the introduction of the Internet and the emergence of a cloud, civil society is in desperate need of educational actors who can interlink the disparate Bas now forming, thus generating common ideas that can keep us together as a society and defend basic democratic ideals. Originality/value Through the use of a few well-established theoretical concepts the article shows that we are in desperate need to rethink education from being something limited in time and place to something ever present in knowledging processes of all kinds.


author = {Magnus Hoppe},
title = {The enormous significance of new and expanding Bas},
volume = {19},
number = {2},
pages = {134--139},
month = {May},
year = {2011},
journal = {On The Horizon, Special Issue: Complexity and the Future of Education},
publisher = {Emerald},
url = {}