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The Use of Storyboard to Capture Experience

Research group:

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11), Vol. 10


Design Society


Today, product realization is becoming more squeezed in time and the need to capture experience from previous projects is an important factor for being successful in developing new products and services. This paper aims to investigate the use of storyboard to highlight earlier experiences from a narrative theory perspective and in relation to contemporary cognitive theories regarding how external representations facilitate collaborative work.This paper will discuss and come up with suggestions as to why storyboard can be a supportive method through the use of narrative theories. One of the objectives of the actual research project is to assist industry in developing strategies and methods to capture “lessons learned” in previous projects and use earlier experiences to avoid repeating mistakes. This will then release working capacity to be used for creativity and innovations instead. The conclusion of the paper presents storyboard as a supportive method for capturing earlier experience from a product realization project. It also argues that it is valid to borrow the concept focalizer from narrative theory.


author = {Anders Wikstr{\"o}m and Jennie Andersson Schaeffer and {\AA}sa {\"O}berg and Yvonne Eriksson},
title = {The Use of Storyboard to Capture Experience},
editor = {Culley, S.J.; Hicks, B.J.; McAloone, T.C.; Howard, T.J. {\&} Dong, A.},
pages = {331--340},
month = {August},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED11), Vol. 10},
publisher = {Design Society},
url = {}