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NoC Application Programming Interfaces


Zhonghai Lu , Raimo Haukilahti

Publication Type:

Collection (Editor)


Networks on Chip


Kluwer Academic Publishers


Due to its heterogeneous and distributed nature, programming NoC communications may be very complicated if we treat NoC as individ ual elements of resources, switches, and interfaces. To mitigate the complexity, we raise the abstraction level and take NoC as a whole. To this end we propose a concept of NoC Assembler Language (NoC-AL) which serves as an interface between NoC implementation s and applications, very similar to the instruction set of a traditional CPU. A central part of NoC-AL will be communication primi tives for both message passing and shared memory. Starting with a NoC programmer model, this chapter discusses NoC-AL, and in part icular the communication primitives. Moreover, we discuss NoC Operating System (NoC-OS) which is the underlying layer below NoC-AL. As power consumption has become one of the primary design constraints, we give an overview of low power techniques at the operating system level and demonstrate how process migration can improve the effectiveness of the techniques. At the end, we propose an API for power management of NoCs.


author = {Zhonghai Lu and Raimo Haukilahti},
title = {NoC Application Programming Interfaces},
isbn = {-},
editor = {Axel Jantsch and Hannu Tenhunen},
pages = {239--260},
month = {January},
year = {2003},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
url = {}