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The Coproductive University: Education and research in coproduction with the wider community


Damir Isovic, Christine Gustafsson , Fredrik Wallin

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


University-Industry Interaction Conference


Mälardalen University has a long history of a successful cooperation and coproduction with the industry and public sector in Sweden. This has eventually led it to become one of the leading higher education institutes in Sweden for excellent coproduction with different societal actors, both internationally and nationally. The university has through its coproduction activities become convinced of its value and of the wide range of opportunities it can bring to all parties involved. In this paper, we share our experience through some good examples both from research and education and discuss what is needed for successful and sustainable coproduction with industry and public sector.


author = {Damir Isovic and Christine Gustafsson and Fredrik Wallin},
title = {The Coproductive University: Education and research in coproduction with the wider community},
month = {May},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {University-Industry Interaction Conference},
url = {}