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Storyboard - Framing and reframing the design brief

Research group:

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


20th International Product Development Management Conference


This paper presents findings from an explanatory experiment, developing understanding about Storyboarding in the front front end of innovation. The experiment set-up is to test how Storyboard is different from the common way of working before creating a design brief, writing documents, and to create a research agenda in order to explore this phenomena in depth. The experiment was performed in the context of a multidisciplinary concept development course with eight teams. These teams were divided in two groups where one group created a Storyboard brief and the other a written brief. As results three hypotheses are developed for further research. Also we conclude that Storyboard seems to be more promising to support innovation projects that need focusing in a narrower area, but in that area more open to freedom of interpretation and reframing of a problem at its roots.


author = {Anders Wikstr{\"o}m and Roberto Verganti},
title = {Storyboard - Framing and reframing the design brief},
isbn = { },
month = {June},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {20th International Product Development Management Conference},
url = {}