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The real cost of task pre-emptions - measuring real-time-related cache performance with a HW/SW hybrid technique




<PRE> @TechReport{sebek02realcost, author = {Filip Sebek}, title = {The real cost of task pre-emptions --- measuring real-time-related cache performance with a HW/SW hybrid technique}, institution = {M"alardalen Real-Time Research Centre}, year = {2002}, key = {cache memories, real time, WCET}, address = {Department of Computer Science and Engineering, M"alardalen University, Sweden}, month = aug, } </PRE>

Publication Type:

Report - MRTC


Cache structures and other modern hardware is today so complex, that simulation on instruction level is very complicated and time-consuming. Real measurement is much faster, but on the other hand less observable and in most cases impossible to make non-intrusive.To predict shedulability for a system that incorporates an unpredictable device, such as the cache, requires known safe values of task execution time, task-switch time, pre-emption delay etcetera to statically predict their schedulability. This paper proposes a hybrid HW/SW method to measure cache performance with minimum intrusion. It also presents some experiences on a real system with experimental results of setting up scenarios and measure cache performance on a high performance microprocessor system based on MPC750 CPUs.The experimental results show that the cache related pre-emption delay for instructions can be as much as 69% of the pre-emption cost for a MPC750 system.


author = {Filip Sebek},
title = {The real cost of task pre-emptions - measuring real-time-related cache performance with a HW/SW hybrid technique},
note = {\textlessPRE\textgreater @TechReport\textbraceleftsebek02realcost, author = \textbraceleftFilip Sebek\textbraceright, title = \textbraceleftThe real cost of task pre-emptions --- measuring real-time-related cache performance with a HW/SW hybrid technique\textbraceright, institution = \textbraceleftM{"}alardalen Real-Time Research Centre\textbraceright, year = \textbraceleft2002\textbraceright, key = \textbraceleftcache memories, real time, WCET\textbraceright, address = \textbraceleftDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, M{"}alardalen University, Sweden\textbraceright, month = aug, \textbraceright \textless/PRE\textgreater},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-58/2002-1-SE},
month = {August},
year = {2002},
url = {}