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Lean automation development: applying lean principles to the automation development process

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


The 21st EurOMA Conference


By a broad empirical study it is indicated that automation development show potential of improvement. In the paper, 13 lean product development principles are contrasted to the automation development process and it is suggested why and how these principles can facilitate, support and improve the automation development process. The paper summarises a description of what characterises a lean automation development process and what consequences it entails. Main differences compared to current practice are also identified. The incentives for, and expected effects of, applying the identified lean principles to the automation development process are discussed.


author = {Anna Granlund and Magnus Wiktorsson and Sten Grahn and Niklas Friedler},
title = {Lean automation development: applying lean principles to the automation development process},
month = {June},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {The 21st EurOMA Conference},
url = {}