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Components of the Design Process of Flexible and Reconfigurable Assembly Systems


The article will be published by Elsevier B.V. in the Journal Procedia Manufacturing. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th Swedish Production Symposium.

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Swedish Production Symposium 2018


Abstract Assembly systems need to manage changes in products and volume. During the design process, preconditions for the operation of assembly systems are generated. The purpose of this paper is to identify the components of the design process of flexible and reconfigurable assembly systems. Literature reviews were conducted and empirical data from six research studies were analyzed to report the results. The authors suggest that the findings can give a clearer overview of the components in these design processes and support studies about relations between components as well as practitioners with a holistic view during the design work.


@inproceedings{Svensson Harari5171,
author = {Natalia Svensson Harari and Anders Fundin and Anna-Lena Carlsson},
title = {Components of the Design Process of Flexible and Reconfigurable Assembly Systems},
note = {The article will be published by Elsevier B.V. in the Journal Procedia Manufacturing. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 8th Swedish Production Symposium. },
volume = {25},
number = {8},
pages = {549--556},
month = {May},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {Swedish Production Symposium 2018},
url = {}