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Exploring the integration process of new practices for knowledge sharing

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


26 th EurOMA Conference


The aim of this paper is to provide new perspectives on the implementation of new operations management practices by applying three different but interrelated frameworks: Human Interaction Dynamics, Normalization Process Theory, and Professional competence as ways of being. The empirical material in this paper is based on a case study within a global manufacturing company, and more specific the development and implementation of a new OM practice for knowledge sharing at one of the sites in Sweden. A mixed-method approach is used, and the empirical material is collected through analysis of a database, two group interviews, and a survey.


author = {Peter E Johansson and Jessica Bruch and Viktoria Badasjane and Anna Granlund and Carin R{\"o}si{\"o}},
title = {Exploring the integration process of new practices for knowledge sharing},
month = {June},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {26 th EurOMA Conference},
url = {}