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MAMon - A Multipurpose Application Monitor


Mohammed El Shobaki, Jeroen Heimanns

Publication Type:

Report - MRTC


This report describes the architecture and integral components of the Multipurpose Application Monitor (MAMon). The IPU's signal interface is described and we explain how the interface conforms to intregation with a hardware RTK and the communication port to an external host computer. The report also provide a programmer guide for the monitoring application framework, as well as a user manual for the currently implemented monitoring tools within the framework. The report is mainly intented as a reference guide for working with MAMon at a user's level.


@techreport{El Shobaki630,
author = {Mohammed El Shobaki and Jeroen Heimanns},
title = {MAMon - A Multipurpose Application Monitor},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-121/2004-1-SE},
month = {September},
year = {2004},
url = {}