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Observability in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems with Hardware/Software Co-Simulation


Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Swedish National Real-Time Conference SNART99


As an alternative to traditional software debuggers and hardware logic simulators, hardware/software co-verification tools have been introduced in novel design processes for the embedded systems market. The main idea behind co-verification is to reduce design time by enabling an early integration of hardware and software development. However, with this approach, several new aspects on software debugging have been brought to surface. Especially when we look at verification of multithreaded applications, and multiprocessors in embedded real-time systems, the use of co-simulation has shown to be a promising method for reducing and/or eliminating the intrusiveness on run-time behaviour that is related to traditional software debugging. This paper presents the key concepts with co-simulation as adopted in two leading commercial tools. Furthermore, the use of co-simulation for verification of a real-time system is discussed. Ideas on applications that can benefit from co-simulation are also proposed.


@inproceedings{El Shobaki85,
author = {Mohammed El Shobaki},
title = {Observability in Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems with Hardware/Software Co-Simulation},
month = {August},
year = {1999},
booktitle = {Swedish National Real-Time Conference SNART99},
url = {}